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Invitation to attend XacBank’s First Annual Green Financing Forum

XacBank cordially invites you to register for its First Annual Green Financing Forum to be held on 6th September, 2017 under the theme Turn opportunities into reality with support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia, and the Environment and Climate Fund of Mongolia.


6, September 2017


Best Western Premier hotel, Soyombo hall

Who should attend?

MSME's and women-led businesses including:
MANUFACTURER l SUPPLIERS, TRADERS, IMPORTERS l END USERS l SERVICE MAINTENANCE BUSINESSES of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. 

Following information will be provided during the forum:

- Practical information necessary for businesses to obtain green financing from XacBank for energy efficiency and renewable energy
- Expansion of XacBank's "Business Loan Program for GHG Emission Reduction" and announce the reduction of its interest rate 
- Opportunities to women-led businesses and micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs)
- Greening its business - Case studies on challenges and ooportunities