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“Every child is an artist" contest results are out

For the second year, XacBank successfully organized the “Every Child is an Artist” arts and crafts competition on the occasion of Children’s Day, between the ages of 3-14. There will be 5 winners from each age group, 3-6, 7-9, and 10-14.

This year the competition was organized under theme “My Horse of Happiness” and participation was much greater compared to previous year. With the arts we received from children, XacBank in cooperation with the Arts Council of Mongolia, presented an exhibition at the Fine Arts Zanabazar museum-Green horse hall, for celebrating and supporting children’s artistry.

During the competition from May 5th to June 17th we received over 250 arts and crafts within the age groups 3-6, 7-9, and 10-14. Judges from Arts Council of Mongolia and XacBank selected 5 winners from each age group for creating outstanding arts and crafts using their imagination, talent, and hard work won a monetary prize and gifts from the Bank.

Additionally, we are happy to announce that all arts were open for visitors to buy if they wish to and the amount paid would be deposited into the child’s savings account, in helping them create their own bright future.

Competition winners are:

3-6 years:
1st place – Urangoo.N
2nd place – Zolbayar.E
3rd place – Indra.Ts
4th place – Uranjiguur.U
5th place – Baasandorj.O

7-9 years:

1st place – Khongorzul.J
2nd place – Enerel.L
3rd place – Tsengel.B
4th place – Amarkhuu.B
5th place – Nomin.T

10-14 years:

1st place – Nandinkhishig.T
2nd place – Baljinnyam.B
3rd place – Batchimeg.B
4th place – Badmaarag.T
5th place – Khuslen.Kh

Special prize


We would like to thank all the talented children and their families for participating.With the support from our Board of Directors, all the children who participated in the contest received also a “Future Millionaire” savings gift.We wish you the best in all your endeavors! Let’s meet again for next year’s “Every Child is an Artist” competition. 

Moreover, if you made a deposit into your account or opened an account during the “Future Millionaire” campaign held between May 8th and June 9th, and have not received your gift, you may pick up your gift from your nearest XacBank branch by June 30th.

Start saving for a brighter future…