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XacBank Introduces Card Delivery Service

XacBank is the first to introduce card delivery service to its customers by mail. This service is made possible in cooperation with Mongol Post, and today the senior management of both companies have signed an MOU.

Customers may order their bank card at any XacBank branch – once ready for pickup, Mongol Post will deliver to your home address or wherever you want delivered. Delivery service is not only limited within Mongolia but also available internationally. With being customer-centric as one of our core values, we strive to bring services closer and easier to all our customers locally and internationally.

During the MOU, Sandeep Khera, XacBank Chief Information Officer and Head of Digital Banking, stated that “In recent years with increasing growth in information technology and innovation, most banking services are now digital. Following this trend, customers are spending less time at branches. XacBank is also paying close attention on becoming more digital, bringing user-friendly platforms and financing more in this direction. One indication is the card delivery service we are launching today. Bank services should be quick and reliable, therefore, we are working on this together with Mongol Post. Moreover, we are delighted to announce there are more high-tech products and services planned for launch soon, such as, QR code, Cashback, and Mobile 2.0”.

To receive the card order you placed, you do not need to have a post office box. Any XacBank branch will take your card request, which they will ask your phone number and home address if you wish to get delivery service. When the card is ready, the delivery man will call the number you’ve provided to ask if you wish to receive your card delivery to your home address, office or wherever you are.

Service charge for anywhere within Mongolia is MNT 2,500, and courier post for international deliveries.

XacBank will continuously work towards bringing world-class financial services to our customers by providing trustworthy and speedy service.