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XacBank Invests in Preparing Future Football Players

First initiated by XacBank in 2006, “Boom – 2020” indoor football tournament will be held this year for the 11th time.  

This year the bank will sponsor schools #40, #71, Amgalan, Oyunii Undraa, and Erdmiin Urgoo secondary schools. During XacCup 2016 opening ceremony, the sports tournament among bank staff, we gifted football outfits and necessities to 180 student athletes of the above schools.

For the purpose of promoting healthy lifestyle habits for youth and advocating sportsmanship, especially supporting football, XacBank in the past 10 years have supported and invested in over 100 secondary schools’ 6,000 students, and over MNT 300 million. 

In addition to supporting the young generation’s physically healthy lifestyle, through our staff established Golden Fund for Development Association, we have initiated and organized Aflatoun and Aspire programs to deliver social and financial education to children. We’ve also included players from the “Boom-2020” in the program – strengthening their ability on saving, accumulating, and making the right decisions on financial matters.

Currently, there are numerous players born from the tournament now making the team at the National Football team and successfully playing at national league tournaments.

We wish the best of luck to “Boom-2020” indoor football teams, players, and coaches!
