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All of us at XacBank are deeply shocked with the sudden passing of James Peter Morrow and unite in mourning this remarkable man who served on our Board of Directors as an Independent Member. Pete Morrow died on 4 August in his home in Seattle, USA from an illness complication. 

Pete has served on our Board since July 2015. A banker and financial consultant with extensive experience in the US and developing countries, Pete brought strong independent professional judgment and made significant contributions to decision making of XacBank during his board service. Being a chair of the Board’s Governance, Nomination and Compensation Committee, he spoke up widely on issues of governance and institutional development.

Pete’s passing is a great loss not only for us but for Mongolia as well, the country where he dedicated the most productive years of his life, found recognition and respect and made genuine friends, living and working for sixteen years as a banker, advisor and investor, serving on various corporate and NGO boards and maintaining an active advisory practice for investors. Pete was a prominent and well-known public figure in the Mongolian society and business community who played an important role in bringing the country’s development to a new level.

On behalf of XacBank and TenGer Financial Group and all staff, we express our profound condolence and heartfelt sympathy to his spouse B.Dorjpagma, the children and the rest of Pete’s family and friends. A man of honor and principle, Pete leaves behind a bright imprint in his achievements and all the wonderful things he did for us and the country and will be remembered by all who have had the privilege to be associated with him.
