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XacBank new branch opening at E-mart Shopping Center

XacBank – With branches all across the country, spreading its reach and services to our customers has opened a branch today on the third floor of the newly opened E-mart shopping center.

E-mart shopping center is the #1 retail store in South Korea that is now open in Ulaanbaatar city with matched retail standards of 43 thousand square meters space, 80 thousand types of goods and 260 heated parking lots. It is an expansive hypermarket offering customers the opportunity for a one-stop shopping experience.

While shopping our customers can visit our branch to request business loan, consumer loan, house financing, all types of domestic and international payments, current and savings account, internet banking services and receive further financial services at their convenience.

In addition to our new branch opening, college students studying and planning to study abroad can get our International VISA card with no first year annual fee. Also, it’s good news to share that consumer and business loan terms have lessened and maturity of loan is longer.

Moreover, since the beginning of 2016 XacBank has opened new branches at Solo mall shopping center in III, IV khoroolol, Bayan Mongol khoroolol, three more branches in Zaisan and now with our newly opened branch, we can proudly say that our customers can get the services they need at their comfort.