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Mongolia has become the 61st country to introduce Progress out of Poverty Index tool (PPI)

With the support of World Vision Mongolia and Vision Fund NBFI; XacBank and the Microfinance Development Fund (MDF) in cooperation with Grameen Foundation NGO have introduced internationally recognized Progress out of Poverty Index tool (PPI) in Mongolia.

The PPI developer and advisor Mark Schreiner of Grameen Foundation NGO have created the index for more than 60 countries and by introducing the tool in Mongolia it can monitor and measure household and family livelihood, and state of the economy and where it is making progress.

PPI is based on the National Registration and Statistics Office’s 2014 Household Community and Economic Statistics’ data, which is simple to use based on statistical numbers that can help in measuring poverty changes of an organization’s stakeholders’. The research survey will be mainly made up of 12 questions for households below the poverty line and to measure changes after a certain period of time.

The PPI to be made for Mongolia will be available on the internet for free and for all to use and support activities for poverty reduction and all organizations in development industries, NGO’s, nonprofit organizations, banks and NBFIs, and government projects for the economy. Moreover, in 2009 XacBank became the pioneering bank to introduce PPI to its stakeholders.