XacBank named the Top Corporate Social Responsibility-2015
“Entrepreneur-2015”, the annual award organized by the Mongolian National Chambers of Commerce and Industry, was held at Shangri La hotel on 25 December, 2015.
The award names the top business and entrepreneurs of the year based on its contribution to development of society and economy. XacBank have been named the “The Top Corporate Social Responsibility Entrepreneur” of 2015 and awarded with the “Bronze Mercury” award.
In 2015, XacBank upheld its previous achievements by advancing our service from product centered service to client centered service as well as renewing our policy and vision.
XacBank aims to keep up with the pace and understand the need of our clients to bring the best quality financial services. We have launched our new brand image, which includes an expanded vision, a deeper level of commitment to our clients.
We have successfully implemented our independent “Card processing center” project, and directly linked to National Digital Transaction center. First in Mongolia, XacBank launched the three currency (CNY, USD, MNT) dual card of National brand ₮ and UnionPay, which clients can use anywhere in the world.
The year 2015 has been significant for XacBank. We continued our traditional social responsibility activities as planting trees for our Xac Meadow campaign, clean environment efforts, financial education program for children, and support for team sports, arts and culture. Also, XacBank took leadership in Mongolian Sustainable Finance Principles for 2015. XacBank effort and initiations have been highly valued and named as the “Top Bank of 2015” of the Mongolian Sustainable Finance Principles by the Mongolian Bankers Association. Through the complex evaluation conducted by the Planet Rating XacBank have been awarded with Client Protection Certification as the first organization in Mongolia to implement The Smart Campaign’s Client Protection Principles.
Our achievements and success have been built on the trust from our dear clients and partners. We will continue to lead and contribute to the development of Mongolia.