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Банкны тухай

XacBank revolutionized term deposit

We are living in an ever-changing world. XacBank aims to keep up with the pace and understand the needs of our clients to bring the best quality financial services.

We endeavor to be pioneers in financial industry and deliver innovative products to our clients. And today we introduce you our all-new term deposit, Erkht savings.

We are certain that Erkht will meet your financial needs as it placed the general savings’ strict conditions to more flexible ones.

You will be able to deposit during the contract period with high compound interest rate and most importantly you can make withdrawals whenever you want.

In other words, for general savings with standard condition-your contract will be cancelled if you make withdrawals during the contract period and automatically calculated to the lowest interest rate. However, for Erkht savings, charges will be based only on withdrawal amount and accumulated interest will be permanent in the account.

Be sure to own Erkht savings account and feel the financial freedom.

XacBank will continue to look for innovative ideas and bring financial expertise for our client growth and development of Mongolia.


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