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XacBank Won World Bank Best Partner Award

International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, successfully held its 6th Global Trade Partners Meeting in Lisbon, the Capital of Portugal.
Around 120 banks and financial institutions took part in this respectable gathering. Mongolia was represented by Mr D. Bat-Ochir, CEO and Ms O.Munkhmandakh, Manager of the International Banking Unit, Corporate Banking Division of XacBank. IFC announced 25 its best partners in trade finance, accomplished in 2013 during the Global Trade Partners Meeting.
XacBank, who got “The Best Bank of Mongolia - 2013” international award from “The Banker” journal, also won the IFC “Best Partner in Fragile Countries” Prize in the beginning of the Year of Horse. XacBank, recently getting recognition’s not only in Mongolia, but internationally, keeps collecting all the best prizes.