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Since 2010, XacBank has implemented an Eco Product distribution program that has included different projects financed by MCA-Mongolia, CAF and UBCAP. The projects have aimed to sell products that are high quality and affordable so that the amount of coal used in homes is reduced and air quality improves. XacBank is working with MicroEnergy Credits and Impact Carbon to track and monitor the program and provide carbon financing. Documents describing the program activities are can be viewed online at: www.xacbank.mnwww.microenergycredits.com. You can get more information about program activities from the XacBank officer in charge of this Eco Product distribution program or from links below:
Please provide comments in-person at XacBank, an Eco Product Center, by phone to 11-318185 (1613), or via e-mail to Batsanaa.B, Product Development Officer of XacBank’s Eco Banking Department at batsanaa.b@xacbank.mn.
The official Stakeholder Feedback Round lasts until 31 March, 2014 but you are encouraged to submit feedback and questions at any time.
To give input, comment, or express a grievance regarding the project but not regarding the stakeholder documents, please either contact us via one of the below methods or visit our eco banking headquarters to fill out a comment in our continuous input/grievance expression process book.
Telephone access
+976 11 318185 (1613)
(XacBank – VPA Implementer)
+1 206 274 6457 
(MicroEnergy Credits – CME)
+86 15011362067
(Beijing Gold Standard office)
Internet/email access
(MicroEnergy Credits – CME)
(XacBank – VPA Implementer)
(Beijing Gold Standard office)
Special Government Agency of MongoliaClean Air Foundation
The Clean Air Foundation was established to initiate operations and programs approved by series of laws: Air Law, Law Special Government Agency and City air pollution law. The Clean Air Foundation is designated for accomplishing the Government’s mission to support clean air, strategic policy and planning of Mongolian Government.
MCA-Mongolia, Clean Air Project
MCA-Mongolia, Clean air project was implemented from 2010 to 2012. The goal of the project was to decrease air pollution in Ulaanbaatar city by introducing energy efficient products and energy efficient house in the Ger district that will reduce smoke emission and by supporting production of renewable energy sources.
Ulaanbaatar-Clean Air Project
Ulaanbaatar-Clean Air Project is financed by World Bank and aims to enable consumers in Ger areas to access heating appliances that produce less particulate matter in Ulaanbaatar. This project is being implemented in partnership with Municipality of Ulaanbaatar.
http://www. usip.mn
MicroEnergy Credits
MicroEnergy Credits was established in 2007, which is a social enterprise dedicated to empowering people in developing countries to make healthy, clean and affordable energy choices.  MicroEnergy Credits helps microfinance institutions start clean energy lending programs, strengthens these with cloud-based technology and last-mile services, and then scales them with carbon finance.
Impact Carbon
Impact Carbon’s mission is to increase access to clean energy solutions that improve health, protect the environment and reduce poverty globally. We use carbon finance and social finance to maximize our impact and scale.