XacBank has participated in the Mongolia Investment Summit in Hong Kong as a Sponsor
The 4th annual Mongolia Investment Summit 2013 was held on November 19-20 in Hong Kong’s Special Administrative Region hosted by the British company Beacon.
During the event investors expressed their views on recent developments and the investment climate and opportunities in all sectors of the Mongolian economy such as mining, infrastructure, energy, banking and finance, real estate services, construction and agriculture. This event has been one of great significance in having a positive influence on the Mongolian economic and financial sector as it fell shortly after the recent adoption of a series of the laws on investment by the Mongolian Parliament.
TenGer Financial Group and XacBank has supported this forum from the beginning and this year was a Platinum sponsor. This event has drawn the attention of over 500 official delegates from 18 countries together with local investors, intermediaries, the Mongolian private sector and Government official representatives. G. Amartuvshin, Director General of TenGer Financial Group, and D. Bat-Ochir, CEO of XacBank, made presentations and participated on various panels.