Хайх зүйлээ бичнэ үү

Банкны тухай


On behalf of the Managing Board of XAC NGO, please accept our warm congratulations on the 10th Anniversary of our cooperation for the best of people and community. We wish the best to all XAC NGO members, supporters, members of the managing council, our employees, partner organizations and individuals!
I am happy to recall being a witness to both the birth of an original idea of forming our organization and the satisfaction of seeing it grow. XAC NGO (Golden Fund for Development) became an outstanding example of how dedicated initiatives can spread and motivate many people if the intention of the individual or group is right and their commitment is strong.
I remember that one spring warm day of 2003, Ch. Gankhuyag, then CEO of XacBank, lawyer D.Undral and other members of our travel team stopped at the roadside cafeteria on the way from Khentii aimag. We talked at the dining table about forming an NGO with the support of the bank staff, to work to resolve some of the issues faced by the community. And today we have an NGO that is possibly the biggest in Mongolia, operating sustainably, doing outstanding work with hundreds of members. It is also well recognized in the community for the good work it has accomplished. Looking at our achievements, I am very proud of our XacBankers, both newcomers as well as those who joined years ago,  who initiated, supported and led this initiative.
XAC NGO activities have expanded beyond XacBank by integration the interests and commitments of employees from TenGer Financial Group and its subsidiaries to contribute to the community. I am sure that you can see from our achievements over the past 10 years that we have implemented a wide range of sustainable activities and events. I am confident as you are that our current and future members will continue to contribute to the community in the many decades ahead.
On behalf of the executive team and the managing board of XAC NGO, I would like to thank all of the XAC NGO members, supporters, the executive team and the managing board for all of your efforts and wish you a happy and prosperous life!
May every heartfelt effort and work dedicated to the benefit of others lead to prosperity!