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XacBank received the children’s choice award

As part of the 374th anniversary of Ulaanbaatar capital city, Ulaanbaatar City Administration and the Mongolian students’ association honored 14 companies and awarded them with “Children’s choice award”. These companies were selected according to the poll that was taken among the students in Ulaanbaatar.
XacBank has been named one of these 14 companies and received the award. As an undisputed leader in social responsibility, it has always been a part of XacBank’s mission to be good corporate citizen. The bank has been implementing many works and projects for the well-being of children since its foundation. Social and financial education program is one of the best examples of XacBank’s initiatives. Since 2008, XacBank has been funding “Aspire” youth financial education program with the support from Women’s World Banking, while our “Aflatoun” program has a mission to bring social and financial education to younger children. As of 2013, XacBank has involved more than 30,000 children in these two financial education programs.
XacBank is a pioneer in social and financial education program and financial products and services for children such as “Future millionaire” savings. The bank has won an award called “Child Finance Awards - Pioneer Award” from Child and Youth Finance International, corporation based in Netherlands. This is a proof that XacBank’s achievements are recognized internationally.
XacBank is committed to develop team sports in Mongolia. The bank has been sponsoring “SBL Khasin Khuleguud”, a national basketball league team and “Khasiin Khuleguud”, a national football league team. XacBank has been paving the road for success of these two teams. XacBank is one of the first initiators of “Duulian – 2020”, a footsal competition and still is one of the best sponsors. Each year XacBank sponsors 10 high school teams in this competition.
In 2012, XacBank had started a major construction project to improve the environment and landscape of 29th high school for its students. With the support of many outstanding companies XacBank planted trees in the school yard and has built fences around school area, basketball court, and a small greenhouse for gardening projects. This year employees of XacBank planted trees at the yard of 63rd special school of Khan-Uul district.