What destination can I reach following the guidance by XacHuu?
- My son and I deposited 20,000 Togrog into the “Future Millionaire” savings account. We heard that the promotional gifts will be given depending on the deposits made into the savings. Also, we have become eligible to participate in the lottery to go to Disneyland. -
My son graduated his first grade and has learned to read. He has a hobby to read all the addresses and posters wherever we go. One day, he said, “Mom, I am so tired from ATM”. I didn’t understand the word “ATM”. After clarification, I learned that ATM consists of three letters of three abbreviated words and my son pointed to the bank’s cash machine booth. After that I have noticed that ATMs were everywhere. My son’s knowledge about the bank has started from this moment.
But this weekend, I had a chance to learn about the bank for real. We were walking and by chance we ran into the XacHuu parade. “Where did all these colored balloons come from and what is happening?” with such words my son marched away with the parade crowd. Soon after, he came back with a balloon and brochure in his hand. “Mommy, please tell me what is written here” said my son. I had to explain about the XacBank services and promotions offered to children. “Is bank an ATM?” To avoid further explanation, we just stopped at the closest XacBank branch.
Pull out the money saved in your pocket! My son counted his money repeatedly and gave it to me. I have added some from my wallet to make 20,000 Togrog and we have deposited it into my son’s “Future Millionaire” savings account. Depending on the deposit amount, various promotional gifts were offered. My son and I were entitled to participate in the lottery “Travel to Disneyland”. We also received a statement of our account balance and learned that for each 20,000 Togrog deposited we are entitled for one lottery ticket in the lottery drawing. My son believed that he will have winners luck in one of the lotteries. We have learned that in the May lottery drawing, held at the end of every month, the winners going to Disneyland will be announced. You may reach Disneyland if you follow the guide by XacHuu. I didn’t forget to tell my son, “But even if you have no luck that day, you shouldn’t be upset. Next year, when your money will be bigger, you can go to Disneyland with your mom or dad”.

When we were young, there were not as many banks as now. The concept of savings, especially a children’s savings account, was not popular. But look now, as my son says, ATMs are everywhere. Banks have become daily needs and savings and available for every Mongolian household. XacBank has two types of savings - “Future Millionaire”, “Temuulel” for children. The “Future Millionaire” savings account is the first child’s savings in Mongolia. It has advantages over other banks because of its interest calculation on the interest earned. A curious question arises: how many commercial banks are there in Mongolia and how many Togrog is accumulated in the “children” savings accounts?
My son liked the bank. He just learned that he has lots of money in his account under his own name. My son has agreed with me in a most assertive way, “Now we will not save our money at home. We will save it in the bank and participate in the lottery”. My son’s first day of meeting with the bank ended by depositing the contents of his metal cookie box, filled with 10, 20, 50, 100 banknotes, into his savings account at the bank. Child’s world is full of new discoveries everyday…