2017 |
- In 2017, XacBank organized lectures for 1,100 high school students during Global Money Week and held an “Every Child is an Artist” arts and crafts competition under the “My horse of happiness” theme during Children’s Day, for children aged 3 to 14.
- 1 out of every 5 children in Mongolia has a XacBank Future Millionaire Savings account. The product has received the Child and Youth Friendly Banking Award from Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) in recognition of its ability to provide financial security and education to children.
- Educational content of the Temuulel program has been included in 2017- 2018 High School curricula and 10th and 11th grade students are participating in Business Study lessons to build financial know-how.
- XacBank has successfully organized a Peter Morrow Student Scholarship program for the second time to grant scholarships to high-achieving students.
- XacBank has been supporting the Organization for the Study of Diaspora Mongols since 2009 and has provided partnership and sponsorship to create the “Works of art and culture of Ilkhanid.”
- XacBank finalized and handed over refurbishment work to provide world-class technology and equipment in a fully-outfitted first section of the Bone Joint and Integrated Surgical Room at the National Center of Trauma and Injury.
- In 2017 the Bank successfully organized the 12th "Duulian 2020."
- The "Xaciin Huleguud" basketball team, established and supported for 13 years by XacBank, became champions of Mongolia's top basketball league for the 5th time in 2017.
- Cyclists of the Xac cycling team participated top international competitions and their success has echoed throughout in Asia.
- To support woman-owned business in Mongolia, XacBank received USD 169 million of financing from IFC and OPIC.
- XacBank has received USD 40 million in syndicated loan financing to support small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
- Within the Asian Development Bank's “Supporting the Credit Guarantee System for Economic Diversification and Employment Project”, XacBank helps SMEs that wish to increase working capital or purchase fixed assets but lack the necessary collateral to obtain bank loans.
2015 |
- Provided financial education training for 38,000 children.
- XacBank staff planted trees and improved the children’s dormitory yard of School No.29 for children with hearing impairment.
- XacBank works in cooperation with the Labor and Training Center for people with visual disabilities.
- As of 2015, XacBank disbursed MNT 20.5 million loans based on social and environmental assessment and sold over 173,852 eco products, reducing carbon emission of a household by 30-46%.
- Under the “Xac Meadow” initiative XacBank staffs created 3 new groves planting more than 1990 trees
|  SPOT and HEALTHY SECTORS - Sponsored Basketball team, Hockey team and the “Boom 2020” football tournament for 10 consecutive years.
- Олон Улсын Санхүүгийн Корпорацийн “Бизнес эрхлэгч Эмэгтэйчүүд” хөтөлбөрийн 2 дахь түнш банк боллоо.
- Азийн Хөгжлийн Банкнаас жижиг, дунд бизнес эрхлэгчдийг дэмжиж, тэдэнд зээл олгох зорилгоор ХасБанкинд 5 жилийн хугацаатай 30 сая ам.долларын санхүүжилт олголоо.
- OPEC-ийн Олон Улсын Хөгжлийн сангаас 20 сая ам.долларын санхүүжилт авлаа.
- “Coal Mongolia” нүүрсний салбарт хөрөнгө оруулагчдын олон улсын чуулга уулзалтын Алтан ивээн тэтгэгчээр ажиллалаа.
- Програм хангамжийн хөгжүүлэлт, үйлдвэрлэлийн хандлагыг дэлхийд тодорхойлогч Майкрософт болон ХасБанк, Ай Ти Зон компаниуд мэдээллийн технологийн дэд бүтцийг бий болгох “Open Value Licensing Program” хамтын ажиллагааны санамж бичигт гарын үсэг зурлаа.
- Financial education training was provided for 32 000 children.
- Xachuu Day was organized nationwide.
- Coopretated with Labor and Training Center for People with visual Disabilities.
|  SPOrT and HEALTHY SECTORS - Supported the Wheel Barrow Dress fashion show.
- Supported the joint-venture play of the best American Dance Stars from New York City Ballet Ltd. With Mongolian actors organized by the Mongolian Art Council.
- Concessional project loans are disbursed in order to support environmentally and socially friendly businesses.
|  DRIVING MODULE - Supported fashion designer Katya Zol, the face of online banking, in her participation among 20 countries at the “Fashion Me” international exhibition in Dubai, UAE.
|  SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - Sponsored My Mongolia expedition - 2013.
- The Bank has covered 4 196 its customers by micro insurance policies.
- Aspire, Temuulel combined, these programs involved more than 30 000 children and youth across the country.
- The bank has initiated and completed a building project which would equate to MNT 1 00 million in order to improve the surrounding environment of 29th school for the deaf and mute children. Built fences around the school, greenhouse, and a basketball court. As part of the project, the bank and X.A.C NGO planted 1 000 seedlings
- The bank gave out loan of MNT 149.5 million to the training and development center for blind people.
- 20 000 children and their parents look part in the Children’s day celebration.
- In December 2009, with the purchase of emissions reductions by MicroEnergy Credits, XacBank became the first institution in the northern hemisphere to receive carbon revenues
- In 2012, under the project 2 815 seedlings were planted. As of March 2012, there are 21 groves with over 30 000 trees in many major towns and cities of Mongolia. Of which +80% are successfully growing;
|  SPORT and HEALTHY SECTORS - Both the basketball and football teams of XacBank had exceptional accomplishments in 2012.
- Sponsored “Sensation 2020” futsal tournament for the 6th year.
- For its use, XacBank purchases environment friendly cotton bags made by blind people.
|  ARTS AND CULTURE - Sponsored “Museum in a box” project of Choijin Lama Museum.
|  BANKING ACTIVITIES - During winter time XacBank transports its employees by mini buses in 4 different routes. This is one of the ways to reduce traffic jam and air pollution in Ulaanbaatar.
- XacBank organized many cultural and sport activities such as hiking, snow holiday, cultural festival, and XacCup sport tournament to promote healthy and active lifestyle among all employees.
- Received reimbursement from the World Microcredit Summit in Spain for balancing greenhouse gas emissions which served the very first case in the world.
|  BANKING ACTIVITIES - Received a high evaluation from Planet Rating, the global microfinance rating agency, on the implementation of corporate social responsibility efforts for the first time and was selected as one of the World’s Best Socially Responsible Financial Institutions.
- Launched Aflatoun Program of financial and social development for the school children of ages 8-14 jointly with the XAC NGO covering 3,244 children under the program.
- Sponsored “TASAM’ tour of Mongolians settled around the world that promotes Mongolia’s heritage, tradition and culture, and made a contribution to the enhancement of public awareness about Mongolians worldwide.
- Started providing discounted Green Loans to clients engaging in socially and environmentally friendly businesses.
- Received reimbursement from Micro Energy Credit International by conducting environmentally friendly operations and reducing CO2 greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the level of investment in the green economy.

- Started the ASPIRE Pilot Program jointly with Women’s World Banking in order to deliver financial education for 14-18 year old girls.
- Started presenting scholarships for 10 students every year jointly with the “Inflame Justice Fund” named after Mr. D. Badraa.
- Initiated and started implementation of Organic Mongolia program in order to promote the development of environmentally friendly micro green production in Mongolia.
- Within the framework of Corporate Social Responsibility, the Poverty Reduction Index, which measures results of the level of fulfillment of the responsibilities to increase people’s livelihoods, was introduced among our clients and for the first time in Mongolia.
- Started enrolling our customers into the “Happy Citizen” insurance in order to improve health and social welfare for our microcredit customers;
- Launched Xac Tugul campaign nationwide to combat desertification and planted 15,000 trees in 21 aimags.
 BANKING ACTIVITIES - Joined the CRI and United Nations Global Compact and started implementing environmental, social and healthy development principles.
- Ranked within the Top 100 microfinance institutions worldwide by Forbes, the world renowned magazine.
- Sponsored the Khasyn Khuleguud basketball team in the Mongolian Basketball League. The team has been champion continuously for many years.
- Boom 2020 soccer project was initiated, which served the foundation for thousands of child-fans to play this wonderful sport and thrive for success.
- The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) housed within the World Bank presented XacBank with the “Financial Transparency” award for the 3rd year, the award was presented by HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima of the Netherlands.
 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - On the occasion of Mothers and Children’s Day family celebration “Children’s Town” was organized for thousands of children free of charge.
 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - Independent Golden Fund for Development NGO social development investment fund were established.
- The first bank that adopted and implemented an Employee Share Program for its over 400 employees.
 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - Golden Fund for Development financial institution, which was formed in 1998, received its commercial banking license and the first decade of the history of XacBank commenced.