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XacBank, a leading bank in providing financial products and services for children and youth, together with XAC NGO organized the “Every Child is a Financier” event over March 10-17 through its branches and settlement centers. The event celebrated for two occasions, the 90th Anniversary of the Banking Establishment in Mongolia and “Global Money Week”, a worldwide movement. About 1,000 children from elementary, middle and senior classes of secondary schools joined this activity, which was held in 17 aimags including Dornogovi, Khentii, Darkhan, Baganuur, Khuvsgul, Khovd, Tuv and Govi-Altai and Ulaanbaatar. As part of the event, special programs were organized for children such as financial education training, talks on understanding about money and how to manage their money or finances and the importance of savings in a fun and interesting way. Visits to XacBank branches were organized along with explanations to the children about the bank’s activities, products and services. The visits concluded with handing out bank souvenirs to the children and most importantly, each girl and boy had a new Temuulel savings account opened in their name.
Financial education training was also organized for about 200 children on March 15, for those who participated in the Boom-2020 football match. XacBank has initiated and sponsored the Boom-2020 football match since 2006.
In 2009, XacBank launched Aflatoun and Aspire or Temuulel Programs jointly with the XAC NGO. The XAC NGO was established by the bank staff to contribute to child and youth development and support them financially or otherwise to become an upright citizens and to deliver social and financial education to these children and youth.
Aspire Program - In 2009, the Bank started the Aspire Program jointly with Women’s World Banking in order to deliver financial education for 14-18 year old girls. We have expanded this program by including both boys and girls in the financial education classes taught in 13 modules to high school students nationwide in collaboration with secondary schools. Altogether 3,500 school children from 117 schools were covered by the program in 2013, helping to develop the skills to save and manage their finances independently.
Aflatoun Program - The Aflatoun Program delivers social and financial education to 8-13 year olds, and has been implemented in approximately 100 countries worldwide. The Program covered 2,500 school children in 17 schools in urban and rural areas. The Program consists of 30 hours of extra-curricular education based on pro-active and participatory involvement. As a result, school children learn to express themselves, identify their role in society, make decisions or find solutions by analyzing problems critically, and learning to appreciate the value of money and its use.
During 2013, approximately 35 thousand school children were covered nationwide under these financial and social education programs initiated and implemented by XacBank. 
 “Every Child is a Financier” Campaign in Photos
A dream tree using a wall poster display was made by children where they were free to write their dreams. In order to fulfill the dream, they needed to take a first step, having a savings book. The roots of the dream tree were drawn representing knowledge, education and savings. The children explained that in order to grow the tree bigger, they would need to water it with savings.
School #4, Khentii aimag
During the event, various activities were organized including introduction of the Aflatoun program, discussion about the student’s notebook and what children learned, singing an Aflatoun song to the guests and testing themselves solving small problems. 
Discussion of lesson #4 “My Savings Purpose” of the Aspire Program has launched at Jiguur Tsogtsolbor secondary school in Darkhan. The students of Class 10B that implemented the Aspire Program made a wall poster and a pin dedicated to the Aspire Program for all of the participants of the Aspire Program.
Discussion about financial education took place with the senior students of Bolovsrol Tsogtsolbor secondary school of Baganuur district, which included training on how to manage expenses and the fundamentals of savings.
Training on how to manage finances and an introduction on a bank’s activities were conducted for senior students of School #4 of Tuv aimag. The program concluded with presents for the students.
XacBank is one of the founders “Boom-2020” football match and it has been organized for the 8th consecutive year. Training to deliver financial education under the theme “Every Child is a Financier” was conducted for 200 child-athletes, who participated in this match. 
Let us present a bright future to our next generation!
Right Bank Xacbank