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The first winner from the clients of “Amar” mobile service

It has been two years since XacBank starting announcing monthly winners among its clients. During this time, the number of customers who became eligible to win by depositing 100,000 Togrog or more into their savings accounts exceeded 4,000. But this time, the first winner from the clients of Amar mobile service has won one million togrog.  
Ganchimeg, the winner, has shared her impression about the Amar mobile banking services which use modern technology to save the customer’s time and make the services much more easily accessible. 
She said:
- I’ve been using “Amar” mobile banking services for more than a year now, but I didn’t know that my transactions made me eligible for participation in the XacLotto. I use the services because it is much easier to do my transactions from either home or work. As of me, I do transactions every day and a substantial amount to the rural areas. I am not sure which exact transactions in what amounts have participated in the lottery. I was surprised when someone from XacBank called telling me that I was a winner. I clarified if my son’s account at XacBank has won the lottery but they said “No, you won from “Amar” services”. Then I replayed the TV program of the XacLotto campaign on Mongolian National Broadcast channel and convinced myself that I was really a winner.
- Do you use similar services from other banks? Can you tell us what is unique about XacBank’s “Amar” mobile banking services?
- I have downloaded mobile phone banking applications of two banks. One of the banks had a higher service fee. The other one was too complicated to use. However, it was easy to download the “Amar” services application and use it. And the service fee was relatively low. Therefore, it corresponded more to my daily needs and requirements.
XacBank XacLotto campaign is designed to promote the importance of savings among the population and support the investment to secure their future. It has been 4 years since the “Amar” mobile banking services have been introduced to the market. It is the first time to provide an easy access and time saving alternative for you to make additional deposits or other transactions.
We are happy to note here that in addition to the participation in the XacLotto campaign by all clients who increase their savings, the XacLotto 2 campaign also allows clients who use XacBank electronic services to also participate.  
The nineth round of the XacLotto 2 campaign was broadcast on Mongolian National Broadcast TV in the evening of August 30, 2013 and the winners were announced. This included 10 new millionaires, 21 regional winners and 10 winners of a paid annual tuition fee. This time, a client of the Central Square Settlement Center has won the million togrog prize by participating in the electronic transactions while an 11 year old boy from Govisumber aimag has become youngest winner.  
The winners of the tenth round of the XacLotto 2 campaign will be announced on September 30. This includes 10 new millionaires, 1 overseas trip winner and 1 super prize winner of a new car winner. Increase your savings and participate in the XacLotto campaign.