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Bank Guarantee


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Bank Guarantee

If you do foreign trade business, by offering XacBank’s payment guarantee to your foreign business partners, you can minimize the payment risk, thus creating an opportunity for your business to receive more favorable conditions (e.g. deferred payment instead of prepayment).

Trade with foreign partners brings specific risks. In view of this, guarantees are an important instrument within international trade to ensure that services are performed. A guarantee in this context is an abstract, standalone promise independent of the underlying transaction to make a payment at the beneficiary's request.


  • Strengthens the credibility of your business as seen by the counterpart;
  • Ensures further effective cooperation with your counterpart as you will not have to commit your own money to secure the transaction;
  • Expands customer’s commercial activities (participate in bids, receive orders for delivery of goods or services, etc.);
  • Lowers your cost of funding.

For the beneficiary:

  • Limits the risk of counterpart's default against contractual terms and conditions;
  • Efficiently collects your receivables with the use of the guarantee;
  • Increases security of trade transaction with your counterpart.

Fees and commissions:

Advising fee
USD 15
Inform of amendments to terms and conditions
USD 10
Issuance of a foreign bank guarantee
Min. USD 50
Max. USD 150
Inquiry from a foreign bank
USD 20
Cancellation of a guarantee
USD 40
Monthly rate of risk fee for uncovered guarantees is as per decision by the credit committee of the Bank.
Uncovered DC credit analysis fee is as per standard terms and conditions of the Business
Additional fees associated with the foreign bank services and courier may apply for the account of the applicant
Domestic bank guarantee service fees:
Issuance of a bank guarantee
MNT 15,000
Amendment to terms and conditions
MNT 5,000
Cancellation of a guarantee
Covered - free of charge
Uncovered - MNT 10,000
Uncovered DC credit analysis fee is as per standard terms and conditions of the Business Loan.
Monthly rate of risk fee for uncovered guarantees is as per decision by the credit committee of the Bank.

Гадаад баталгаа

Гадаад баталгаа нээлгэхэд ямар бичиг баримтууд бүрдүүлэх вэ?

Эх үүсвэртэй Баталгаа:

  • Баталгаа гаргуулах хүсэлт;
  • Баталгааны төрлөөсөө хамааран гүйцэтгэлийн гэрээ, хамтран ажиллах гэрээ гэх зэрэг холбогдох бичиг баримтууд.

Эх үүсвэргүй Баталгаа:

  • Баталгаа гаргуулах хүсэлт;
  • Баталгааны төрлөөсөө хамааран гүйцэтгэлийн гэрээ, хамтран ажиллах гэрээ гэх зэрэг холбогдох бичиг баримтууд;
  • Банкны зээлийн бүрдүүлэх бичиг баримтууд.

ХасБанк дэлхийн ямар улсууд руу баталгаа гаргаж чадах вэ?

Таны харилцагч дэлхийн аль ч оронд байсан ХасБанк баталгааг гаргах болно.

Гадаад баталгааны талаархи илүү дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг хэнээс авч болох вэ?

Та өөрт ойрхон ХасБанкны салбар дээрочиж илүү дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг түргэн шуурхай аваарай.

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