“Organic Mongolia” Program receives business projects and proposals and conducts the selection process every spring. Selected entrepreneurs qualify for a soft loan without any collateral requirements and also participate at the various exhibitions and trade fairs.
if you are engaged in production and service of organic products and if you do not have collateral asset s for bank loans, you can apply for Organic Mongolia program implemented by XacBank. Business entrepreneurs selected to “Organic Mongolia” (http://www.organicmongol.mn/) program.
Be operating a business in production or service of organic products and present your project document. If your project is selected, you will qualify for a loan on discounted terms.
condition | fee (MNT) |
Loan amount | Business up to MNT 60,000,000 Individual up to MNT 20,000,000 |
Interest fee (per annul) | 12.0% |
Loan period | up to 3 years |
Scope | Zuunmod, Selenge and Darhan branches |
Service Fee | 1.0 % |
Required documents
- Client Application form (XacBank form, 1 photo);
- Copies of ID Cards;
- Copies of ownership certificates of apartment, house and land;
- Operational permits, patents, licenses, and rental agreement;
- Financial statements, or record book;
- Register for inventories and supplies as of the application date;
- payment receipts of tax, patent, and licenses;
- Reference of residence from Horoo Administration.