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03 Feb, 2017

GCF Spotlight – Interview with Anand Batsukh from XacBank

GCF spoke to Anand Batsukh at the Fund’s Headquarters in Korea.


25 Jan, 2017

XacBank Payment Card Security internationally certified

XacBank received international PCI-DSS certification on the 15th of January by fully meeting the standard.


18 Jan, 2017

XacBank Chief Risk Officer -T.Kleine Buening interview with Bloomberg TV Mongolia

Interesting interview on current banking and financial sector.


02 Jan, 2017

XacBank welcomes Mr. Torsten Kleine Buening as its new Chief Risk Officer

Mr. Torsten Kleine Buening is responsible for managing Credit, Market, Liquidity and Operational Risk and Compliance. He joined XACBank from Standard Chartered, where he served as Head, Governance for Enterprise Risk Management.
