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Salary loan

Loan size

Loan amount is depends on customer’s creditworthiness, length of loan and collateral

Loan period


Interest rate

Monthly rate: 1.5% - 1.9%

Annual rate: 18.0% - 22.8%

Cashback request

Loan calculator

The loan is deducted from the salary each month with interest.


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Salary loan

You can qualify for a salary loan if you receive your salary through XacBank.


  • Credit decision is promptly resolved and made;
  • Additional financing is available during the loan period.

Loan terms:

termsvia digital bankthrough branch
Loan size300,000 - 50,000,000 MNTabove 300,000 MNT
Interest rate*Monthly rate1.5%-1.9%1.5% - 1.8%
Annual rate18.0%-22.8%18.0% - 21.6%**
Loan period30 months
Service fee0.5%1%

** - Annual percentage rate: 18.89%-21.75% 


  • To have been employed for last 6 months;
  • No bad loan history.

Required documents:

  • Application form for consumption loan (request the form from XacBank branch office or download here);
  • 3х4 sized photo;
  • ID card and its copy (no need for notary);
  • Social Insurance Book and its copy (no need for notary);
  • Salary reference if Social Insurance Book does not reflect your real salary amount (request from XacBank branch office or download here);
  • Other.

Salary loan

What is the eligibility of salary loan?

You can get salary loan if you have worked for a legal entity for at least 6 months, not in trial period, and working for a company that have cooperation agreement with XacBank. You are eligible if you changed your job without trail period.

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